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7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of the Lingering Dead Animal Smell in Your Laundry Room

7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of the Lingering Dead Animal Smell in Your Laundry Room

Have you ever entered your laundry room only to be met with a foul odor that smells like a dead animal? Don't worry; you are not alone in this struggle. Many homeowners face this problem, and it can be quite frustrating, especially when you can't seem to get rid of the smell. In this article, we will highlight some possible causes of the odor and provide solutions on how to eliminate it.

The first culprit that comes to mind when your laundry room smells like a dead animal is a dead rodent, likely a mouse or rat. These pests often find their way into our homes through small openings, and if they die within the walls or floors, the smell can permeate through to the laundry room. If this is the case, you may need to call a pest control expert to locate and remove the dead animal.

Another possible cause of the odor could be poor ventilation. Without proper airflow, the humidity and heat from the washing machine can create a musty environment perfect for mold and mildew growth. This can result in a musty smell that often resembles that of a dead animal. Proper ventilation can easily solve this problem.

Speaking of mold and mildew, they can also be the culprits behind your laundry room's smell. Wet clothes left in the washing machine or dryer for extended periods can encourage mold and mildew growth, leading to unpleasant odors. Ensure you take out your laundry immediately after the cycle ends and allow the machine to air dry properly.

If none of the above applies to you, you may want to check your plumbing. A backed-up drain can release an unpleasant odor into your laundry room, making it smell like a dead animal. An experienced plumber can help locate and rectify the issue.

Have you recently switched to a new detergent or fabric softener brand? Sometimes, the fragrances in these products interact with the natural smell of our clothes, leading to a bad odor. Try changing back to your old brand or switching to a fragrance-free alternative.

While we all know that keeping our laundry rooms clean and organized is essential, one thing we often overlook is the washing machine. Dirt, debris, and detergent accumulations can lead to an unpleasant smell resembling a dead animal. Regularly cleaning your washing machine can prevent this from happening.

Are you constantly leaving wet laundry in the washing machine or dryer? This could be contributing to the foul odor in your laundry room. Ensure you remove your laundry immediately after the cycle ends and leave your machines open to air dry properly.

In conclusion, if your laundry room smells like a dead animal, don't panic. The problem has a solution, and you can get rid of it with a few simple steps. Ensure your laundry room is well-ventilated, keep your washing machine clean, avoid leaving wet laundry in the machine or dryer, switch back to your old detergent brand or try a fragrance-free alternative, and seek professional help if necessary. With these tips, you can once again enjoy a fresh-smelling laundry room.

Don't let the unpleasant odor linger any longer. Follow these simple tips and say goodbye to the smell that's bugging your laundry room. A fresh, clean scent awaits you!

Laundry Room Smells Like Dead Animal
"Laundry Room Smells Like Dead Animal" ~ bbaz

If you're experiencing a dreadful smell in your laundry room, it can be hard to tolerate. The cause of the odor could be due to various reasons like a dead animal, clogged pipes, or even mold growth. It's essential to take preventative measures and eliminate the stench as soon as possible. In this blog, we'll discuss what you should do if your laundry room smells like a dead animal.

Identify the Source of the Smell

The first step in eliminating the awful smell is to identify the source. The most common reason for a foul odor is a dead animal. Examine your laundry room properly, and check for any signs of dead rodents or insects.

If you can't find any dead animals, it could be due to clogged pipes. The accumulation of lint and debris in your washing machine's drainpipe can result in a blocked pipe. Or it might be hidden behind the walls, which makes it challenging to detect the smell's presence.

Clean Your Washing Machine

If the smell is coming from your washing machine, it's imperative that you thoroughly clean it. Accumulation of water and detergent residue can contribute to the unpleasant scent.

Firstly, remove any clothes present in the washer and inspect for mold growth. A warm and moist environment is an ideal place for the growth of molds. You can clean it by using vinegar, baking soda, or a commercial cleaning solution. Fill the washer with hot water and add any one of these solutions to it. Run a cycle to get the best results.

Clean the Drainage System

A musty odor may also be due to clogged pipes in your drainage system. When the water isn't draining correctly, it can build up and eventually cause a musty odor.

You can clean your drain by using a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by two cups of vinegar. After a few minutes, pour in boiling hot water.

Remove Dead Animal

If the smell is coming from a brooding animal carcass, it's crucial to remove it as soon as possible. The odor will continue to spread and worsen until you remove the source of the stench.

Wear gloves and a mask for safety purposes before removing the dead animal. Once you've located it, place the carcass inside a plastic bag and dispose of it immediately. Ensure that you clean the area with a cleaning solution and disinfectant afterward.

Disinfect the Laundry Room

Next, it's time to disinfect the entire laundry room. Use a disinfectant spray or cleaning solution to wipe down all surfaces, including the walls, floors, and washing machine.

Ensure thorough cleaning and reduce any moisture levels to prevent mold growth. You may want to run a dehumidifier in your laundry room to keep the air dry and prevent the buildup of mold.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining good hygiene is essential in preventing odors due to leftover detergent, dirt, or limescale buildup. You can do this by thoroughly cleaning your washing machine once a month, removing lint from your dryer's filter after every cycle, and regularly checking your drainage system for any clogs.


In conclusion, a foul odor in your laundry room is unpleasant, but it's essential to take action quickly to prevent the stench from spreading. Always identify the cause of the odor, clean your washing machine, and check for clogged pipes or mold growth. Always remember to wear safety gloves and a mask when handling dead rodent carcasses.

Regular maintenance is vital in preventing bad odors, so always keep your laundry room clean and free of moisture. By following these steps, you can eliminate the smell and prevent it from returning.

Why Does Your Laundry Room Smell Like a Dead Animal? A Comparison of Causes and Solutions


Laundry is a necessary chore that can bring a sense of satisfaction when completed. However, when your laundry room smells like a dead animal, it can quickly turn this task into a nightmare. The smell can be nauseating and might indicate a more significant issue. In this article, we will compare the most common reasons for a laundry room smelling like a dead animal and ways to solve the problem.

Causes of Laundry Room Smelling Like a Dead Animal

1. Dead Animals in the Laundry Room

The most obvious reason for a bad odor in your laundry room is a dead animal. Rodents or other small animals might have crept into your home and perished in your laundry room. The smell would be the result of decomposing flesh, and you need to act fast to find and remove the dead animal.

2. Clogged Drains

Another reason for a bad smell in your laundry room could be clogged drains. Over time, debris such as soap scum and hair might accumulate in the drain, causing a blockage. This blockage traps water, which could become stagnant and lead to the growth of bacteria, causing the odor.

3. Faulty Washing Machine

A washing machine is a complex appliance made of different parts. Suppose any of these parts malfunction and cause a backup of water. That water could sit stagnant inside your machine, leading to the growth of mold and mildew that could create a bad smell in your laundry room.

Solutions to Laundry Room Smelling Like a Dead Animal

1. Locate and Remove Dead Animals

If a dead animal is the cause of the bad smell in your laundry room, you need to identify and remove it. Once you have removed the carcass, you should clean the area thoroughly to eliminate any bacteria or germs.

2. Clean Your Drain

If your laundry room has a clogged drain, you can try using a plunger or a drain snake to clear the pipes. You might also consider pouring hot water mixed with baking soda down the drain to eliminate traces of soap scum and hair.

3. Professional Washing Machine Repair

When mold and mildew are causing bad smells from your washing machine, you should consider hiring a professional repair technician to check and fix the issue. A professional who has experience working with different types of washing machines can determine the cause of the problem and recommend the best solution.

Comparison of Solutions

Solution Pros Cons
Locate and Remove Dead Animals -Fast solution -Eliminates bacteria and germs -Not always easy to locate the animal
Clean Your Drain -Relatively inexpensive to try first -You can do it yourself -May not work if the blockage is severe
Professional Washing Machine Repair -Long-lasting solution -Expert diagnosis and repair -Can be expensive depending on the problem


A laundry room smelling like a dead animal is never pleasant, and it's essential to find the cause and fix the problem as soon as possible. Common causes could be dead animals, clogged drains, or a faulty washing machine. Regardless of the source of the odor, there are solutions available, and you can determine the best one for your situation.

How to Get Rid of Laundry Room Smells Like Dead Animal


Your laundry room should always smell fresh and clean. However, there may come a time when your laundry room smells like a dead animal. The stench can be overwhelming and make you not want to do your laundry at all. The good news is that there are several things you can do to get rid of the odor and prevent it from coming back. In this article, we'll share some effective tips to help you eliminate the unpleasant smell in your laundry room.

Locate the source of the smell

Before you can eliminate the unpleasant smell in your laundry room, you need to locate the source of the odor. Most of the time, the smell is caused by mold, mildew, or bacteria growing in your washing machine or dryer. Check the areas around your appliances for any signs of moisture, mold, or mildew. You may need to pull your appliances away from the wall to check behind them.

Remove any debris or pet hair

Sometimes, pet hair or debris can accumulate in your washing machine or dryer and cause an unpleasant odor. To get rid of the smell, remove any debris or pet hair that may be trapped in your appliances. You can do this by wiping down your appliances with a damp cloth or using a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose debris or pet hair.

Clean your washing machine or dryer

If you've located the source of the smell, the next step is to clean your washing machine or dryer. You can use a mixture of water and vinegar to clean the inside of your appliances. Run a cycle with the mixture and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out with water. You can also use a specialized washing machine cleaner to get rid of any buildup that may be causing the unpleasant smell.

Check your dryer vent

Another common cause of laundry room smells like a dead animal is a clogged dryer vent. When the vent becomes clogged, it can trap moisture and bacteria, which can lead to an unpleasant odor. Check your dryer vent for any signs of blockages or damage. You may need to clean or replace your vent to get rid of the smell.

Use an air purifier

If you've cleaned your appliances and checked your dryer vent, but the smell still persists, consider using an air purifier in your laundry room. An air purifier can help to remove any lingering odors and improve the air quality in your laundry room. Look for an air purifier that is designed specifically for removing unpleasant odors.

Use essential oils

Another way to get rid of laundry room smells like a dead animal is by using essential oils. Essential oils have natural deodorizing properties that can help to eliminate unpleasant odors. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or lemon, to a spray bottle with water and mist it around your laundry room.

Keep your laundry room well-ventilated

Proper ventilation is key to preventing unpleasant odors in your laundry room. Make sure your laundry room has adequate ventilation by opening windows or using a fan. This will help to circulate the air and prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold, mildew, and odors.

Maintain your appliances

To prevent laundry room smells like a dead animal from returning, it's important to maintain your appliances regularly. This includes cleaning them after each use, checking the washer drum and dryer lint trap for debris, and running a cleaning cycle every few months. Regular maintenance will help to keep your appliances working efficiently and prevent odor-causing buildup.


In conclusion, a laundry room that smells like a dead animal can make doing laundry an unpleasant experience. However, by following the tips outlined in this article, you can eliminate the odor and prevent it from coming back. Remember to locate the source of the smell, clean your appliances, check your dryer vent, use an air purifier and essential oils, keep your laundry room well-ventilated, and maintain your appliances regularly. With these simple steps, you'll have a fresh and clean smelling laundry room in no time!

What to Do When Your Laundry Room Smells Like a Dead Animal

It's no secret that laundry rooms can sometimes have unpleasant odors. From wet clothes and mildew to lingering detergent and fabric softener scents, there are plenty of reasons your laundry room might not have the most pleasant aroma. However, if you notice a smell that's more akin to a dead animal, it could be an indication that something isn't quite right.

The first thing you should do if you notice a dead animal smell in your laundry room is to try and find the source of the odor. This might be easier said than done, but it's essential if you want to address the problem effectively. Take a deep breath (if you can stand it) and start sniffing around your laundry room. Look behind appliances, inside cabinets, and anywhere else you think might be hiding a potential culprit.

If you're lucky, you'll be able to find the source of the smell relatively quickly. It could be a forgotten piece of laundry that's gotten moldy, a clogged drain, or even a small animal that's found its way inside your home. Once you've found the source, you can take steps to clean it up or remove it.

If you can't find the source of the smell yourself, it might be time to call in a professional. Pest control companies are experts at finding and removing dead animals from homes, and they can also help identify any potential entry points that animals might be using to get inside your home in the first place.

Another possible cause of a dead animal smell in your laundry room is a plumbing issue. If you have a clogged drain or sewage backup, this could be causing the odor. In this case, you'll want to call a plumber to assess the situation and take the necessary steps to fix the problem.

Assuming you've found the source of the smell and taken steps to remove it, you'll want to focus on getting rid of the odor that's left behind. One of the best ways to do this is to open up your windows and doors and let in some fresh air. This will help circulate the air in your laundry room and get rid of any remaining odors.

You can also try using an odor-eliminating spray or other cleaning products designed specifically for removing tough smells. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow the instructions to ensure you're using the product correctly.

For ongoing odor control, consider investing in a dehumidifier or air purifier for your laundry room. These devices can help keep the air clean and reduce the risk of mold and mildew buildup, which can contribute to unpleasant smells.

To prevent future dead animal smells, make sure to keep your laundry room clean and tidy. Don't leave wet or damp clothes sitting in the washer or dryer, and be sure to empty lint traps regularly. If you have pets or live in an area where wildlife is common, take steps to seal off any potential entry points to your home to keep animals out.

Finally, if you've tried everything and still can't seem to get rid of the smell, don't hesitate to call in a professional for help. Sometimes, even the most diligent cleaning efforts can't eliminate stubborn odors, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

In conclusion, a dead animal smell in your laundry room is never pleasant, but it doesn't have to be an insurmountable problem. By identifying the source of the smell, taking steps to remove it, and implementing preventative measures to keep it from happening again, you can get your laundry room smelling fresh and clean once again. And if all else fails, don't hesitate to call in the experts for help.

Thank you for reading our guide on how to handle a dead animal smell in your laundry room. We hope you found it helpful and informative!

People Also Ask About Laundry Room Smells Like Dead Animal

What can cause a laundry room to smell like a dead animal?

1. Dirty washing machine - A dirty washing machine can become the breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and mildew, which can cause unpleasant smells.

2. Clogged drain - A clogged drain in the washing machine can lead to standing water that can produce offensive odors.

3. Dead animal - A dead animal, such as a rodent, may have crawled into the walls or dryer ducts and died, causing a strong odor.

4. Dirty clothes - Dirty clothes left in the hamper for too long can start to smell and transfer the odor to the surrounding area.

How do you get rid of the smell?

1. Clean your washing machine - Use a washing machine cleaner to remove any built-up residue, and wipe down the interior of the machine with a solution of water and vinegar.

2. Clear out the drain - Remove any visible debris from the drain filter, and use a drain cleaning solution to clear out any clogs.

3. Air out the room - Open windows and doors to increase air flow and help dissipate the smell.

4. Hire an exterminator - If you suspect a dead animal is the cause of the odor, contact a professional exterminator to locate and remove the dead creature.

How can you prevent the smell from coming back?

1. Clean your washing machine regularly - Regularly clean your washing machine to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

2. Keep the area clean - Avoid leaving dirty clothes on the floor or in the hamper for an extended period of time.

3. Check your dryer vents and ducts - Regularly check your dryer vents and ducts for any signs of buildup or obstructions.

4. Install an air purifier - Consider using an air purifier or dehumidifier to maintain a fresh, clean smell in the laundry room.