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Discover Why Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal: The Inspiring Mantra Behind the Hilarious Ted Lasso Character

Discover Why Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal: The Inspiring Mantra Behind the Hilarious Ted Lasso Character

Are you a fan of Ted Lasso? Do you find yourself cheering for Roy Kent as if he’s your favorite footballer? If you’re nodding your head yes right now, then you might just have found your spirit animal in the same way I did. In this article, we’ll explore why Roy Kent is my spirit animal and why he should be yours too.

First things first, who is Roy Kent? For starters, he’s a fictional character from the Apple TV+ series, Ted Lasso. He’s also a former professional footballer turned coach. But that’s just stating the obvious. Let’s dive deeper into what makes him my spirit animal.

For one, Roy Kent is unapologetically himself. He doesn’t try to be someone he’s not, and he owns his flaws. Remember when he refused to go to therapy because he had “anger issues”? That kind of self-awareness and honesty is something we all can learn from.

Another reason why I relate to Roy Kent is that he’s not afraid to speak his mind. Whether it’s a snarky comeback or a dose of tough love, he doesn’t hold back. And yet, he still manages to show empathy when it matters. Who wouldn’t want to have that kind of balance?

Speaking of tough love, let’s talk about Roy Kent’s coaching style. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it gets results. According to Statista, average viewership for Ted Lasso grew 56% between Season 1 Episode 1 and Season 2 Episode 5. Coincidence? I think not. Roy Kent’s no-nonsense approach to coaching is what sets him apart from other characters on the show.

But it’s not all serious with Roy Kent. He’s also a master of the one-liner. Who can forget his quip about biscuits being a “divisive” topic? Or his deadpan delivery of “Three whole weeks, whoop-de-doo” in response to Nate’s newfound confidence? Even in his moments of humor, he still manages to convey his no-BS attitude.

Let’s also not forget that Roy Kent is a loyal friend. He may be rough around the edges, but he’ll do anything for those he cares about. Remember when he confronted Jamie Tartt about his behavior towards Keeley? Or when he took Sam Obisanya under his wing and helped him improve his game? Friendship goals right there.

Another aspect of Roy Kent’s personality that I admire is his vulnerability. He may be a tough guy, but he’s not afraid to show his softer side. From his love for Keeley to his struggles with retirement, he wears his heart on his sleeve.

But what, you might ask, does all this have to do with being a spirit animal? Well, a spirit animal is an animal or character that embodies certain traits or qualities that we aspire to or relate to on a deep level. For me, Roy Kent’s authenticity, honesty, and wit are traits that I hope to cultivate in myself.

So, there you have it. Roy Kent is my spirit animal, and he should be yours too. Whether you’re looking to be more honest with yourself, want to master the art of the comeback, or need a lesson in tough love, Roy Kent has got you covered. And if you’re still not convinced, just remember his iconic quote: “Be curious, not judgmental.” Wise words to live by.

In conclusion, if you’re a fan of Ted Lasso and haven’t yet realized that Roy Kent is your spirit animal, I hope this article has opened your eyes. Roy Kent isn’t just a character on a TV show, he’s a role model for how we should all strive to be. So, embrace your inner Roy Kent and live your life with authenticity, honesty, and wit.

Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal
"Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal" ~ bbaz


Have you ever watched the TV show “Ted Lasso”? If not, then you are missing out on one of the best shows on television. The show is based on a fictional character named Ted Lasso, an American football coach who is brought over to England to coach a struggling soccer team - AFC Richmond. One of the standout characters in the show is Roy Kent, former captain of AFC Richmond and the team’s grumpy veteran.

Who is Roy Kent?

Played by the actor Brett Goldstein, Roy Kent is one of the most beloved characters on the show. He is a no-nonsense personality, tough and rough around the edges, but he also has a soft spot for his teammates. Roy admits he hates the game, but his love for his team forces him to keep playing.

Why is Roy Kent my spirit animal?

I know that sounds a bit strange, but hear me out. As soon as I saw Roy Kent on Ted Lasso, I immediately felt a connection with him. With his lack of patience, his tendency for cursing and grumpiness, I found myself relating to him. I feel like I am a lot like him in many ways.

Roy Kent’s trademark

One of the things that make Roy Kent so iconic is his gruff, no-nonsense demeanor. With his hoodie, plain t-shirt, and minimalistic style, he doesn’t care about fashion or trends. Roy Kent knows what he wants and doesn’t need anyone else’s opinions. It's his uniqueness that makes him stand out from the other characters on the show.

Roy Kent’s approach to life

Roy Kent has a rather pragmatic approach to life. He doesn't believe in being nice or warm to people all the time. He knows how harsh and unpredictable the world can be, and he understands that being a little grumpy and rude to people is sometimes necessary. This dry humor and no-nonsense attitude make him irresistible.

Why Roy is such a great teammate

Despite his outward gruffness, Roy Kent deeply cares about his team. He doesn't hesitate to go out of his way for his teammates or lead them in moments of despair. His love for his team is what drove him to play despite his dislike for soccer.

The impact of Roy Kent on Ted Lasso viewers

Several factors contribute to the massive success of Ted Lasso, but Roy Kent's character is undoubtedly one of the most important reasons. His authentic portrayal of a gruff, slightly pessimistic, yet compassionate human being speaks volumes to viewers around the globe. He shows us that it's okay to be ourselves unapologetically and to care deeply about the things and people we love.

The beauty of Roy Kent’s imperfect character

One of the things that sets Roy Kent apart from other fictional characters is his imperfections. He has flaws, and he knows it. Still, he takes some pride in them as he chooses to embrace who he is rather than try to be someone else.

Roy Kent and the importance of mental health

Another reason I think Roy Kent resonates with many people is his open approach to mental health. Roy often speaks openly about his struggles with anxiety and depression and how talking through these things with a professional has helped him cope. His approach is straightforward, and he encourages those close to him to be open and honest about their struggles so they can feel better.


In conclusion, Roy Kent is more than a caricature of a grumpy football player; he speaks to the cynical, dejected part of ourselves. He serves as a reminder that it’s important to be authentic and honest about our emotions. With Roy's character, we’re invited to confront the darker aspects of ourselves and accept them for what they are. We don't need to conform to anyone else’s mold, and ultimately, it's our quirks and imperfections that make us stand out.

Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal: A Comparison


Have you ever watched a show and felt an immediate connection to one of the characters? Well, that was me with Roy Kent from Ted Lasso. Roy Kent is not just a character, he is a spirit animal. In this blog article, we will compare and contrast some aspects of Roy Kent's personality with real-life situations and share our opinions about the same.


Roy Kent is in his late thirties or early forties, which brings a sense of maturity and wisdom to the character. He has lived long enough to experience different phases of life, but he still has a lot of life left in him. However, many young people can also relate to Roy Kent's wisdom and wit in their early twenties.


Roy Kent was a professional soccer player in his prime. Despite not wanting to continue playing, he worked as a pundit in a prestigious television network. Then he got an opportunity to return to the soccer field as Richmond AFC's assistant coach. This career transition highlights that it is never too late to explore different career paths, and sometimes going back to the familiar isn't all bad.


Roy Kent is famously single, but his relationships with the other characters in Ted Lasso are what makes us love him more. He starts off with a hate-love relationship with his coach, Ted Lasso, but eventually becomes an invaluable friend and mentor. The way Roy Kent expresses his affections may seem cold, but his heartfelt actions always speak louder than words.

Communication Style

Roy Kent’s communication style is one of his most recognizable traits. He comes across as blunt and rude sometimes, but his honesty helps people get over their problems. Roy also uses sarcasm as a shield to avoid getting too emotional. This style of communication may not always work well in real life, but taking an example from Roy, being straightforward is an important trait that people should have.

Attitude towards Failure

Roy Kent has experienced many failures throughout his career. However, his attitude toward failure is something we can all learn from. Instead of dwelling on his failures, he learns from them and strives to do better next time. That's an essential attitude we must have when dealing with our own failures.

Mental Health and Coping Mechanisms

In one of the episodes, Roy opens up about his anger issues and shares how he copes with them. He says he counts from one to ten and then repeats it until he calms down. This technique may seem simple, but it’s an effective way to manage overwhelming feelings like anger or anxiety. Sharing his frustrations and finding coping mechanisms to make him a stable and healthy human being makes Roy Kent our spirit animal.

Sense of Humor

Roy Kent might come across as grumpy, but he is also one of the wittiest characters on Ted Lasso. He has some of the best one-liners to offer. His humor is sarcastic, dry, and sometimes outright rude, but it's always on point. We can all take inspiration from Roy Kent's humor to make our days a little less serious.

Embracing Vulnerability

Roy Kent's character evolution involves embracing vulnerability. When Coach Lasso asks him about his fear of getting back into soccer, Roy Kent admits he fears performing poorly in front of his fans. As the show progresses, he starts to open up more and becomes more comfortable with showing his emotions. This character development is an inspirational guide for all of us to be open and not shy away from vulnerability.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Roy Kent is not just a fictional character; he is a form of an inspiration to many of us. His blunt honesty, sense of humor, and connection with the other characters make him the most loved character on Ted Lasso. There's so much to learn from Roy Kent's attitude towards life in general. If you haven't watched Ted Lasso yet, go give it a try.
Characteristics Roy Kent Real Life
Communication Style Straightforward, blunt, sarcastic Blunt communication can come off as rude in real-life situations
Attitude towards Failure Resilient, learns from failures Learning from failure is key to success
Mental Health and Coping Mechanisms Honest about anger issues, repeat counting technique Finding coping mechanisms helps improve mental health
Embracing Vulnerability Becomes more comfortable with showing emotions We should strive to be more open and not shy away from vulnerability

Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal

Why Roy Kent Is a Great Character

If you've been watching the hit TV show, Ted Lasso, then you know why Roy Kent is an absolute fan favorite. He's tough, he's gruff, and he speaks his mind. But beyond that, there's something about Roy that really resonates with people. Maybe it's because he's not afraid to be himself, even when that means being kind of a jerk. Maybe it's because he's fiercely loyal, even when he doesn't show it. Whatever it is, Roy Kent has become a bit of a cultural phenomenon, and for good reason. In this article, we'll dive deep into what makes Roy Kent such an amazing character and why he's become my spirit animal.

He Doesn't Hold Back

One of the reasons that I love Roy Kent so much is because he never holds back. He tells it like it is, no matter who he's talking to or what the situation is. This is something that I really admire, because I think so many of us struggle to be honest with others (and ourselves) sometimes. Roy, on the other hand, has no problem sharing his opinions, even if they're unpopular. And while this can sometimes get him into trouble, it also makes him a refreshing and authentic character.

He's Vulnerable

Another thing that sets Roy apart from other characters on the show is how vulnerable he is. Despite his tough exterior, we see glimpses of his insecurity and fear throughout the series. He struggles with retirement, finding purpose outside of football, and even love. But instead of bottling up his feelings, he's honest about them (sometimes angrily). This vulnerability is what makes Roy such a relatable character. We all have insecurities and fears, but seeing Roy grapple with his own reminds us that it's okay to be imperfect.

He Stands Up for His Friends

One of the best things about Roy Kent is how fiercely loyal he is to his friends. When they're in trouble, he's always there to have their back. This is most evident in his relationship with Keeley, who he initially tries to distance himself from because he's afraid of getting hurt. But once he lets his walls down, he becomes a true partner and champion for her. And even beyond his romantic relationships, we see Roy go to bat for pretty much everyone on the team. He may not always show it with words or hugs, but he cares deeply about the people in his life.

How to Channel Your Inner Roy Kent

So, now that we've explored what makes Roy Kent such an amazing character, let's talk about how we can channel our inner Roy Kent. Here are a few tips on how to be more like this gruff, lovable character:

Be Honest

As we mentioned earlier, one of Roy's defining qualities is his honesty. He doesn't sugarcoat things or hold back when he has something to say. So, if you want to be more like Roy, try to speak your mind more often. Of course, this doesn't mean being intentionally hurtful, but it does mean being more truthful with yourself and others.

Embrace Vulnerability

Another lesson we can learn from Roy is the importance of vulnerability. It's okay to show your softer side and admit when you're struggling or feeling down. In fact, opening up to others can help build deeper connections and create more meaningful relationships.

Value Loyalty

Roy is also a great example of someone who values loyalty. Even when his friends mess up or make mistakes, he doesn't abandon them. Instead, he sticks by their side and helps them grow. This kind of loyalty is not only admirable but also essential for building strong, lasting friendships.

Don't be Afraid to Stand Up for Others

Finally, Roy is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Whether it's defending his friends or speaking out against injustice, he's always willing to use his voice for good. If you want to channel your inner Roy Kent, look for opportunities to advocate for others and make a positive impact in your community.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why Roy Kent has become such a beloved character on Ted Lasso. From his honesty and vulnerability to his fierce loyalty and willingness to stand up for what's right, he embodies so many qualities that we can all admire. By channeling our inner Roy Kent, we can learn to embrace our imperfections, value our relationships, and make a positive impact in the world around us. So, go forth and be like Roy!

Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal

As a fan of the hit television series, Ted Lasso, I can confidently say that Roy Kent is my spirit animal. While this may seem like an odd assertion, I believe that the character embodies a set of values and attitudes that many of us strive to cultivate in our own lives. He represents authenticity, self-awareness, and a steadfast commitment to growth and personal integrity.

From his gruff exterior to his biting humor, Roy is an enigmatic figure whose true character is revealed over the course of the show. Here are just a few reasons why I find him so compelling:

First and foremost, Roy is unapologetically himself. He doesn't try to be anyone else or conform to what others expect of him. This quality resonates with me because I value authenticity and honesty, perhaps above all else. In a world where it can be tempting to put on a façade or present ourselves in a certain way depending on the context, Roy reminds us that it's okay to be who we are, flaws and all.

Furthermore, Roy is deeply self-aware. He recognizes his shortcomings and actively works to improve himself, both for his own benefit and for those around him. This takes a great deal of courage, as it requires acknowledging our weaknesses and being open to constructive criticism. But when we are willing to put in the work to grow as individuals, we can achieve great things.

Another reason why Roy is such a fascinating character is his complexity. While he may come across as gruff and prickly, we see glimpses of his soft side as the show progresses. He cares deeply for those he loves, but has a hard time expressing himself in ways that others can understand. This juxtaposition of tough exterior and tender interior is a reminder that people are never one-dimensional; we all have layers and facets that make us who we are.

In addition to his inner qualities, Roy is also an excellent role model in terms of his professionalism and work ethic. As a retired professional football player turned coach, he brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the team. But he doesn't rest on his laurels or rely solely on past achievements to get by. Instead, he works tirelessly to help his players improve and to contribute to the success of the team as a whole.

Throughout the show, we see Roy facing a number of challenges, both on and off the field. But he never gives up or loses sight of what's important. His commitment to personal growth and development inspires us to strive for greatness in our own lives, even when the going gets tough.

Ultimately, I think that Roy Kent represents the best of what we can be. He embodies qualities such as authenticity, self-awareness, hard work, and commitment, all of which are essential for personal and professional success. While he may be a fictional character, his legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of those who have been inspired by his journey.

So if you're ever feeling stuck, lost, or unsure of how to move forward, remember that Roy Kent is there to guide you. Take a page from his book, and be true to yourself, be open to self-improvement, and work tirelessly towards your goals. With this mindset, I have no doubt that you'll be well on your way towards success, both in your personal life and in your career.

Thank you for reading about why Roy Kent is my spirit animal. I hope that his story has resonated with you in some way, and that you will continue to watch and appreciate Ted Lasso for all that it has to offer. Stay true to yourself, and never stop growing!

People Also Ask about Roy Kent Is My Spirit Animal

Who is Roy Kent?

Roy Kent is a fictional character from the popular TV series Ted Lasso. He is a former football player who played for AFC Richmond, and later becomes a coach for the team. He is portrayed as a gruff and straightforward person who gradually reveals his softer side throughout the series.

What Does Roy Kent is my spirit animal mean?

Roy Kent is my spirit animal is a phrase used by fans of the show to express their admiration for the character's personality traits. By naming Roy Kent their spirit animal, fans are saying that they identify with his no-nonsense attitude, blunt but humorous lines, and willingness to stand up for himself and others.

Why Do People Love Roy Kent?

  • He is honest and authentic.
  • He has a dry sense of humor.
  • He has a refreshing do what's right mentality.
  • He is not afraid to speak his mind, no matter how unpopular his opinion might be.
  • He is tough and resilient.

Is Roy Kent a Real Person?

No, Roy Kent is a fictional character created for the TV series Ted Lasso. The character is played by actor Brett Goldstein, who also co-writes and produces the show.

Will Roy Kent Be in Season 2 of Ted Lasso?

Yes, Brett Goldstein, who plays Roy Kent, has confirmed that he will appear in season 2 of Ted Lasso. However, it is not clear what role his character will play, as the plot details have been kept under wraps.