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Discover the Hilarious Story of the Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper: A Classic Tale of Laughter and Foolishness

Discover the Hilarious Story of the Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper: A Classic Tale of Laughter and Foolishness

The Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper, commonly known as EHAFWT, is a term coined by British author Roald Dahl in his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The EHAFWT is a character that appears briefly in the story, and its name has since become a colloquial insult used to describe someone who is perceived as lazy or lacking intelligence.

But have you ever stopped to consider the importance of the EHAFWT role in the chocolate factory?

The EHAFWT, despite its seemingly menial job, plays a crucial role in keeping the factory running smoothly. Without their constant maintenance, the machinery would clog and malfunction, resulting in a potentially disastrous situation.

Similarly, in our daily lives, there are tasks and jobs that may seem unimportant or trivial, but are actually crucial for the overall functioning of society. And yet, those who perform these tasks are often looked down upon or undervalued.

Think about the sanitation workers who collect our garbage and keep our streets clean. Or the farmers who grow and harvest the food we eat. These jobs may not be glamorous, but they are essential for our daily lives.

So the next time you come across an EHAFWT, or someone performing a seemingly menial task, take a moment to appreciate the important role they play in society.

Moreover, it is important to recognize that the term EHAFWT can be hurtful and disrespectful when used to describe a person, as it reduces their worth to a simple task. Everyone has value and contributes to society in their own unique way.

It's time to shift our perspective and start valuing all jobs, regardless of how they may seem on the surface. Our society functions best when everyone is valued and appreciated.

Furthermore, instead of mocking and belittling those who perform these important tasks, we should take steps to improve their working conditions and pay them a fair wage. This not only benefits them, but also benefits society as a whole.

In conclusion, the EHAFWT may have started out as a joke, but it has become a powerful symbol for the importance of all jobs in our society. Let's start valuing and respecting everyone's contributions, no matter how seemingly small or large.

So the next time you see someone performing a task that may be seen as insignificant, take a moment to thank them for their contribution. They may just be an EHAFWT, but their role is crucial for the function of our society.

Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper
"Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper" ~ bbaz


Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper is a derogatory term used to describe an individual who is perceived to be of low intelligence and lacks common sense. It is a term typically used in informal settings and may be considered offensive.

Origin of the Term

The origins of the term are unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 20th century. It was likely used in reference to individuals who were responsible for cleaning animal food troughs on farms.

Stereotypes and Prejudices

The term Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper has been used to stereotype and discriminate against people based on their perceived intelligence or level of education. This type of prejudice is unfair, as intelligence is not always indicative of a person's natural abilities or potential.

Impact on Society

Language is a powerful tool that can shape perceptions and attitudes towards different groups. The use of derogatory terms like Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper can contribute to a culture of intolerance and prejudice.

Alternatives to Derogatory Language

There are many alternatives to using derogatory language that can be equally effective in communicating ideas or opinions. For example, using descriptive and non-judgmental language to describe a person's actions or behavior can be much more effective in communicating a message without offending.

Empathy and Understanding

Rather than judging others based on perceived intelligence or education level, we should strive to approach others with empathy and understanding. By recognizing people's strengths and unique qualities, we can build more positive and cooperative relationships.

Overcoming Stereotypes and Prejudices

Overcoming stereotypes and prejudices requires an intentional effort towards education and awareness. By learning about different cultures and worldviews, we can develop a broader perspective and challenge our own biases and assumptions.


In conclusion, the term Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper is a derogatory term that contributes to a culture of intolerance and prejudice. To build more positive and supportive relationships, it is important to approach others with empathy, understanding, and an open mind. By doing so, we can move towards a more inclusive and accepting society.

Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper vs. Other Menial Jobs: A Comparison


In this article, we will be discussing the job of an empty headed animal food trough wiper and comparing it to other menial jobs. The empty headed animal food trough wiper is a term coined by British economist John Maynard Keynes in his essay Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren. It refers to a job that is so simple and mindless that anyone could do it, including animals. But how does it fare against other low-skilled jobs in terms of pay, job security, and overall job satisfaction? Let's find out.


One of the most important factors to consider when looking at any job is the pay. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for janitors and cleaners, which is the closest occupation to an empty headed animal food trough wiper, is $12.11 per hour. This is slightly higher than the median hourly wage for food preparation and serving, which is $11.42 per hour. However, both of these wages are below the national median wage of $18.58 per hour. Therefore, the pay for an empty headed animal food trough wiper is likely to be quite low compared to other jobs.

Table 1: Hourly Median Wage Comparison

Occupation Median Hourly Wage
Janitors and Cleaners $12.11
Food Preparation and Serving $11.42
National Median Wage $18.58

Job Security

Another important factor to consider when evaluating any job is job security. Unfortunately, the job of an empty headed animal food trough wiper is unlikely to be very secure. This is because it is a low-skilled job that can be easily automated or outsourced. On the other hand, janitors and cleaners are likely to have more job security as they are needed to clean almost every type of building. Food preparation and serving jobs may also have some level of job security, as people will always need to eat.

Table 2: Job Security Comparison

Occupation Job Security
Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper Low
Janitors and Cleaners Medium
Food Preparation and Serving Medium

Overall Job Satisfaction

Finally, we come to overall job satisfaction. This is a highly subjective measure that can vary greatly from person to person. However, based on surveys and anecdotal evidence, it seems safe to say that being an empty headed animal food trough wiper is unlikely to be very fulfilling. The job is repetitive, menial, and lacks any real sense of accomplishment. Janitors and cleaners may find their work more satisfying as they can take pride in keeping buildings clean and functional. Food preparation and serving jobs may also offer some level of satisfaction, as they involve providing people with nourishment and pleasure.

Table 3: Overall Job Satisfaction Comparison

Occupation Overall Job Satisfaction
Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper Low
Janitors and Cleaners Medium
Food Preparation and Serving Medium


In conclusion, the job of an empty headed animal food trough wiper is unlikely to be a desirable occupation for most people. It offers low pay, little job security, and lacks any real sense of accomplishment or fulfillment. Janitors and cleaners and food preparation and serving jobs may offer slightly better working conditions and pay, but overall satisfaction will depend on the individual. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide what kind of work they find fulfilling and satisfying.

Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper Tips and Tutorial

Tips on Using Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper

Empty headed animal food trough wiper is essential for keeping animals’ feeding areas clean and hygienic. Here are some tips to help you use it effectively:

1. Assess the dirt level of the trough

Before you start cleaning, assess the level of dirt in the trough. This will help you decide on the amount of water and cleaning agents to use.

2. Mix cleaning solutions

You can mix your cleaning solutions, soap, and water in a bucket. Make sure the solution is just enough to clean the trough without being too watery or too soapy.

3. Pick the right tool for the job

When selecting an animal food trough wiper, ensure that you pick one that provides enough grip with the inner side of the trough wall. Also, select a wipe strong enough not to collapse during use.

4. Start Cleaning

Dip the wiper into the cleaning solution and begin wiping inside the trough. Spread the wipe fully over the bottom of the trough in a circular motion around the trough.

5. Keep the Tool Clean

Clean the wiper after use and allow it to dry before storing it. If possible, wash it using warm, soapy water and rinse it well. And store the tool in the right place where it won't melt or rot.

Tutorial on How to Use Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper

To understand how to use an empty-headed animal food trough wiper effectively, follow the steps below:

1. Selection of Tools and Solutions

You will require an empty-headed animal food trough wiper, cleaning solution, and a container to mix the cleaning solution.

2. Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Mix the cleaning solution in the container according to the manufacturer's directions. If you're using a homemade solution, be sure not to use anything toxic.

3. Start Cleaning

Dip the empty-headed animal food trough wiper into the cleaning solution and begin wiping inside the trough. Spread the wipe fully over the bottom of the trough in a circular motion around the trough.

4. Repeat the Process

Repeat the process until the trough is entirely clean, with no traces of dirt or grime left behind.

5. Rinse the Trough with Clean Water

Rinse the trough with clean water to ensure that there are no soap suds left behind. You may need to rinse and wipe more than once until the trough is spotlessly clean.

6. Dry the Trough

Use a clean, dry cloth to dry the trough completely. Make sure that the trough is completely dry before adding any food or water to avoid contamination.

7. Store Your Tools Properly

Clean the empty-headed animal food trough wiper after use and allow it to dry before storing it in a cool, dry place. Ensure that it is stored away from direct sunlight or heat sources.


Empty-headed animal food trough wiper comes in different sizes and shapes. Some are designed for cleaning large, commercial farm troughs, while others are perfect for small home-based animal feeding areas. By following these tips and tutorials, you will be able to use the empty-headed animal food trough wiper effectively and keep your animals’ feeding area safe and hygienic. Clean feeding areas promote healthy living for your animals and ensure that you get the best from your animal farm.

Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper: Why This Insult Hurts More Than You Think

As humans, we often use insults to hurt other people's feelings. Sometimes, we don't even realize how offensive the words we use can be. One such insult is empty headed animal food trough wiper.

This phrase may seem like a nonsense insult that cannot possibly affect anyone, but in reality, it is quite hurtful. It implies that the person being insulted is beneath the insult itself and is not capable of understanding its meaning. It can also be interpreted as an attack on intelligence, pointing out that the person is only good enough to do menial tasks.

The phrase empty headed suggests that the person being insulted lacks intelligence or cognitive abilities. It is commonly used to describe someone who is unable to think clearly or understand simple concepts. This word is often used to belittle people and make them feel inferior.

The phrase animal food trough wiper, on the other hand, implies that the person being insulted is only fit for performing low-level tasks. In this case, cleaning animal feeding troughs. It suggests that they are not smart enough to do anything more important than manual labor.

While it may seem like a harmless insult, this phrase is incredibly demeaning and degrading. Nobody wants to be thought of as being below the average person's ability. It's important to remember that insulting someone with phrases like empty headed animal food trough wiper can cause long-lasting emotional harm and insecurity.

Furthermore, using such a phrase also reflects poorly on the person who said it. It shows a lack of empathy and understanding towards others, which can negatively impact their relationships with people. It also highlights a desire to put others down to make oneself feel better.

Insults like these can be particularly hurtful when they are directed at individuals who work in low-wage or menial jobs. We should all be mindful of the fact that every job is important and essential in its own way.

If you ever hear someone using phrases like empty headed animal food trough wiper, it's essential to speak up and let them know how hurtful their words are. You can educate them on why such insults are harmful, and how they contribute to a toxic culture.

Finally, it's important to remember that we should always treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their profession or economic status. Nobody deserves to be insulted or belittled, and everyone should be valued for who they are as individuals.

So, the next time you hear someone using the phrase empty headed animal food trough wiper, remember how harmful it can be. Instead, choose to use kind and uplifting words that encourage positivity and growth.

Remember, words have power, and the power to hurt is just as strong as the power to heal. Let's all work towards creating a more kind and gentle world where empty headed animal food trough wipers can thrive, without fear of being insulted or belittled.

People Also Ask About Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper

What is an Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper?

An Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper is a term used to describe someone who has a low IQ and performs menial tasks such as cleaning animal feed troughs. The term is often used in a derogatory manner.

Is the term Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper offensive?

Yes, the term Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper is considered offensive to many people. It is seen as insulting and degrading, as it implies that individuals who perform low-skilled jobs have no intelligence or value.

What are some other terms for Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper?

There are many other derogatory terms used to describe individuals who perform low-skilled jobs, including:

  1. Peon
  2. Menial
  3. Servant
  4. Low-life
  5. Slacker
  6. Drone

Why do some people use derogatory terms like Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper?

Some people use derogatory terms like Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper because they believe that individuals who perform low-skilled jobs are less intelligent and less valuable than those who perform more challenging or prestigious jobs. They may also use these terms as a way to assert their own superiority or to demean others.

What can be done to stop the use of derogatory terms like Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper?

To stop the use of derogatory terms like Empty Headed Animal Food Trough Wiper, it is important to promote respect and empathy for all individuals, regardless of their job or social status. Educating people about the harmful effects of derogatory language and encouraging them to speak out against such language can also help to create a more inclusive and respectful society.