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East Ridge Animal Hospital in Chattanooga, TN - Quality Pet Care Services for Happy and Healthy Pets

East Ridge Animal Hospital in Chattanooga, TN - Quality Pet Care Services for Happy and Healthy Pets

Have you been looking for a trustful animal hospital in Chattanooga, TN? Look no further than East Ridge Animal Hospital! Our team of caring veterinarians and staff is dedicated to providing exceptional care for your furry family members.

Did you know that regular check-ups and preventative care can help your pet live a longer and healthier life? At East Ridge Animal Hospital, we offer a variety of services to keep your pet up-to-date on vaccines and screenings.

Are you worried about your pet's dental health? According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over 80% of dogs and cats have some form of dental disease by age three. Our dental services can help prevent dental disease and keep your pet's teeth healthy.

We know that emergencies can happen at any time. That's why we offer emergency care during our regular business hours. If your pet needs urgent care outside of our office hours, we also have information on nearby emergency clinics.

At East Ridge Animal Hospital, we understand that pets are family. That's why we offer personalized care for each and every patient that comes through our doors. We take the time to get to know your pet and their unique needs.

Does your pet need surgery? Our experienced veterinarians use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that your pet's surgery is as safe and comfortable as possible. We also provide comprehensive aftercare instructions so you can help your pet recover quickly.

Have you ever had trouble getting your pet to the vet? We offer house calls for pets that are too nervous or anxious to leave their home environment. Our veterinarians can perform routine check-ups, vaccinations, and minor treatments without you having to leave the comfort of your own home.

If you're new to the area or looking for a change, come see us at East Ridge Animal Hospital. We offer new client specials to welcome you and your furry friend to our practice. We also have a referral program and loyalty program to show our appreciation for our clients.

In addition to our medical services, we also have a fully stocked pharmacy and offer nutritional counseling for pets with unique dietary needs. We even offer boarding services so you can be sure that your pet is in good hands while you're away.

At East Ridge Animal Hospital, we're more than just your average animal hospital. We're a team of compassionate professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that your pet receives the best possible care. Contact us today to schedule your pet's appointment.

East Ridge Animal Hospital Chattanooga Tn
"East Ridge Animal Hospital Chattanooga Tn" ~ bbaz
East Ridge Animal Hospital, located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is one of the most sought-after veterinary clinics in the area. Established in 1997, the hospital has been serving the community for over two decades and has a reputation for providing excellent patient care. The clinic is staffed by a team of highly skilled veterinarians and support staff, all of whom are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of pets.

Services Offered

East Ridge Animal Hospital offers a range of services to pets, including wellness exams, diagnostics, vaccinations, and surgeries. They also provide boarding facilities for pets, where they are cared for by trained and experienced professionals. The hospital uses advanced technology and equipment to diagnose and treat various medical conditions, such as ultrasounds, digital radiography, and dental x-rays.

Wellness Exams

One of the primary services offered by East Ridge Animal Hospital is wellness exams for pets. These exams are essential because they can detect potential medical problems before they become severe. These exams are tailored to the unique characteristics of each pet, including breed, age, and medical history. During the exam, the veterinarian checks the animal's ears, eyes, nose, skin, teeth, and body condition. The veterinarian may also recommend vaccines, parasite prevention, and nutrition counseling.


East Ridge Animal Hospital is equipped with a surgical suite where they perform various surgeries such as soft tissue surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, and dental surgeries. The hospital takes all necessary precautions to ensure that the animals are adequately prepared for surgery and monitored closely during and after the procedure. They also provide post-operative care and pain management to ensure a speedy and comfortable recovery.


The boarding facility at East Ridge Animal Hospital is designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for pets while their owners are away. The staff offers personalized care and attention to each pet, ensuring that their nutritional needs, exercise routines, and medication schedules are followed correctly. The facility is climate-controlled with clean and spacious kennels. The animals are also provided with fresh water, toys, and comfortable bedding to make their stay as pleasant as possible.


The staff at East Ridge Animal Hospital includes veterinarians and support staff who are experienced in providing excellent patient care. The veterinarians have extensive experience in treating a wide variety of medical conditions, and they continue to pursue additional training and education to remain up-to-date. The support staff includes certified veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants who work alongside the veterinarians to provide the best possible care to the animals.

Customer Reviews

East Ridge Animal Hospital has received numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers who appreciate the personalized care and attention their pets receive. Customers have praised the veterinary staff for their knowledge, compassion, and thoroughness. The facility and boarding area have been complimented on their cleanliness and comforting atmosphere.


In conclusion, East Ridge Animal Hospital is an outstanding veterinary clinic that provides comprehensive medical care for pets. The hospital has a team of highly skilled veterinarians and support staff dedicated to improving the health and well-being of pets. From wellness exams to surgery to boarding, East Ridge Animal Hospital provides quality care to help pets lead healthy and happy lives. If you are looking for a compassionate and skilled veterinary clinic in Chattanooga, we recommend East Ridge Animal Hospital.

Comparison of East Ridge Animal Hospital, Chattanooga TN


Finding the right veterinarian can be overwhelming. With so many options available in Chattanooga, it's important to choose a clinic that provides quality care for your beloved pet. In this article, we will compare East Ridge Animal Hospital with its competitors in the area.

Location and Hours

East Ridge Animal Hospital is located at 1425 Mack Smith Road, conveniently accessible for residents in the East Brainerd and East Ridge areas. The clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, making it easy to schedule appointments or drop off pets for boarding. In comparison, other veterinary clinics in the Chattanooga area have varying hours and locations, which may not be as convenient for pet owners with busy schedules.

Services Offered

East Ridge Animal Hospital offers a variety of services to keep pets healthy and happy. These include routine exams and vaccinations, surgery and dentistry, boarding and grooming, and more. The clinic also has an on-site pharmacy and laboratory, providing quick and accurate results for diagnostic testing.Other veterinary clinics in the area may not offer the same range of services, which may result in pet owners having to visit multiple locations for their pet's care.

Staff and Experience

The staff at East Ridge Animal Hospital consists of experienced veterinarians and caring technicians who prioritize the well-being of pets. The clinic also has state-of-the-art equipment to ensure accurate diagnoses and efficient treatments.In comparison, other clinics may not have the same level of expertise and technology, which may impact the quality of care provided to pets.


Pricing is always a concern when it comes to veterinary care. East Ridge Animal Hospital offers competitive prices for their services, and they also accept various payment options including CareCredit and pet insurance.Other clinics may not offer the same payment options, which may make caring for pets more difficult for some families.
Category East Ridge Animal Hospital Competitor A Competitor B
Location and Hours 1425 Mack Smith Road
Monday-Friday (8:00am-6:00pm), Saturday (8:00am-2:00pm)
2372 Lifestyle Way
Monday-Friday (9:00am-6:00pm), Saturday (9:00am-12:00pm)
1730 S Moore Rd
Monday-Friday (8:00am-5:30pm), Saturday (9:00am-12:00pm)
Services Offered Routine exams and vaccinations, surgery and dentistry, boarding and grooming, and more Routine exams and vaccinations, surgery and dentistry Routine exams and vaccinations, surgery and dentistry
Staff and Experience Experienced veterinarians and caring technicians with state-of-the-art equipment Experienced veterinarians with basic equipment Veterinarians with basic equipment
Pricing Competitive prices with various payment options including CareCredit and pet insurance Higher prices with limited payment options Slightly higher prices with limited payment options


In conclusion, East Ridge Animal Hospital stands out from its competitors in Chattanooga due to its convenient location and hours, wide range of services, skilled staff, and competitive pricing. While other clinics may provide quality care for pets, East Ridge Animal Hospital offers a comprehensive solution for pet owners who want to give their furry friends the best possible care.

Tips and Tutorial for Pet Owners: East Ridge Animal Hospital, Chattanooga TN

Taking care of pets involves much more than just feeding them and taking them for a walk. It also includes routine veterinary visits, which need to be taken seriously. If you are a pet owner living in Chattanooga, TN, East Ridge Animal Hospital is an excellent choice for all your pet care needs. In this article, we will provide tips and a tutorial on how to make the most of your visits to East Ridge Animal Hospital.

The Appointment

When scheduling an appointment at East Ridge Animal Hospital, choose a day and time when you can take your pet without disrupting your routine. Be sure to mention any specific concerns or symptoms your pet has been exhibiting to the receptionist when booking the appointment, so the vet is properly prepared.

Preparing for Your Visit

Prior to your pet's visit, ensure that they are clean and well-groomed by giving them a bath and brushing their fur clean. Ensure that your pet is up-to-date with their vaccinations, medication schedules, and anything else that was discussed during your last visit. Gather your pet’s medical records and bring them with you to East Ridge Animal Hospital.

The Check-Up

Once you arrive at East Ridge Animal Hospital, you will be greeted by a receptionist who will ask for your pet's medical history. Afterward, the veterinarian will examine your pet's body, including their ears, teeth, and eyes. They will also check your pet’s breathing rate, heart rate, and temperature, and discuss any necessary treatment with you.

Interact with the Veterinarian

During the examination, it’s important to interact with the veterinarian, follow their instructions, and ask any questions that you may have. Do not hesitate to ask about any curious behavior by your pet. You can also ask for pet safety tips for different kinds of situations.

Pet Medication and Treatment

If the veterinarian prescribes medication your pet, you should carefully follow all of the specific instructions for administration, including the proper dosage, duration, and frequency. For external parasites, ensure to bathe them with the right shampoo and take the medicine on time for better results.

Pet Nutrition

East Ridge Animal Hospital has a knowledgeable staff who can give you nutritional advice and recommend suitable pet food options. Feeding pets with high-quality food provides them with an up-to-date nutrition that helps treat and prevent illnesses and, long-term, adds more years to their life.

Surgery Preparation and Recovery

If your pet requires surgery, it is important that you closely follow all of East Ridge Animal Hospital’s instructions before and after the procedure. Follow pre-operative instructions given by your veterinarian to ensure that your pet is well-prepared. Then, during the recovery period, follow instructions, such as giving your pet the prescribed medication at the right time and cleaning wounds.

Payment Plans and Insurance

East Ridge Animal Hospital offers various payment plan options for pet owners to help make pet expenses more manageable. They also accept pet insurance so speaking with your insurance carrier about veterinary coverage is always a good idea.

The Next Visit

Before leaving your visit, schedule another appointment with the East Ridge Animal Hospital staff if not scheduled already. Keeping your pet’s check-ups current is essential for preventative health care and keeping records updated.


In conclusion, East Ridge Animal Hospital is a great place to look after every pet's welfare in Chattanooga, TN. They provide excellent care for pets, whether it is routine or emergency care. Proper care of pets helps to ensure long and healthy lives. Make sure that you prepare well in advance of each visit and follow the instructions given by your veterinarian carefully. Lastly, do not forget to ask for advice and interact with the professionals at East Ridge Animal Hospital in every visit.

East Ridge Animal Hospital: Your Pet’s Partner in Chattanooga, TN

If you’re a pet parent, taking care of your furry friend is paramount to you. Finding trustworthy and compassionate veterinary care for your animal companion can be a challenge. However, in East Ridge Animal Hospital, pet owners in Chattanooga, TN can find everything they need and more in the way of quality veterinary care.

Located at the heart of East Ridge, this animal hospital offers a broad range of services that caters to your pet's everyday wellness and health needs. With its state-of-the-art facility and up-to-date medical equipment, East Ridge Animal Hospital provides comprehensive care for pets, including dogs, cats, and pocket pets.

Exceptional Services Offered

With East Ridge Animal Hospital, your pet can enjoy a range of exceptional services. From routine evaluations and vaccinations to surgical interventions and emergency care, the clinic ensures that every animal under its care receives proper attention, treatment, and care.

Their team of experienced veterinarians and staff provide services such as routine medical checkups, orthopedic surgeries, dental care, ultrasounds, and blood work to ensure your pets stay healthy and happy. The hospital also employs cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat even the most complex pet ailments, ensuring your pet recovers quickly and efficiently.

Compassion and Care

Aside from providing premium services, East Ridge Animal Hospital stands out for the profound love for animals, compassion, and care they show towards their patients. Every animal is treated with the utmost respect, provided with individualized attention, and handled via the gentlest methods possible to ensure their physical and emotional comfort.

The facility's personnel maintain a warm, welcoming atmosphere, providing your pet with a stress-free environment that eliminates anxieties and puts them at ease. This approach creates a sense of trust and strengthens the bond between vets, the pet owner, and the animal companions.

Excellent Customer Service

Aside from delivering exceptional services to pet owners in Chattanooga, TN, East Ridge Animal Hospital prides itself on its excellent customer service. The practice’s team of dedicated veterinary professionals is always ready and available to attend to all their client's concerns and answer queries promptly, making pet owners feel comfortable, valued and appreciated.

The hospital also maintains an online presence through its website, where clients can access details about all pet care services, schedule appointments and even make payments online from the comfort of their home or office.

Cost-Effective Services

Pet owners understand how costly veterinary care can be. However, in East Ridge Animal Hospital, you don't have to break the bank to provide your pet with premium veterinary care. Their services are affordably priced, and the clinic offers various payment options, including several types of payment plans, CareCredit®, and pet insurance policies to cater to your pet's health needs appropriately.

Parting Thoughts

In East Ridge Animal Hospital, pet owners in Chattanooga have found the perfect partner in animal care and wellness. The facility combines expertise, compassion, and empathy into one to provide exceptional services that ensure your animal companion has the best possible care experience.

If you're searching for an animal hospital that can offer your pets premium veterinary care and attention, then East Ridge Animal Hospital is where you should look first. Visit the hospital to experience the highest quality care for your furry friend!

You won’t be disappointed!

People Also Ask about East Ridge Animal Hospital Chattanooga TN

What services does East Ridge Animal Hospital offer?

East Ridge Animal Hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services, including:

  • Preventative care exams and vaccinations
  • Sick pet exams and treatment
  • Dental care
  • Surgery
  • X-rays and diagnostic testing

Does East Ridge Animal Hospital offer emergency pet care?

Yes, East Ridge Animal Hospital has emergency pet care available during business hours. They also provide information for after-hours emergency care options.

What types of pets does East Ridge Animal Hospital treat?

East Ridge Animal Hospital is experienced in treating a variety of pets, including:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Rabbits
  • Pocket pets (like hamsters and guinea pigs)
  • Some birds

Do I need to make an appointment to bring my pet to East Ridge Animal Hospital?

Yes, appointments are required for East Ridge Animal Hospital. You can easily schedule an appointment by calling their office or using their online scheduling tool.

Is there anything I should bring to my pet's appointment at East Ridge Animal Hospital?

It's a good idea to bring any medical records or information about your pet's health history, such as current medications or previous illnesses. You may also want to bring your pet's favorite toy or blanket to help them feel more comfortable.