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Discovering the Mystery: What Animal is Delta from Piggy Game?

Discovering the Mystery: What Animal is Delta from Piggy Game?

Do you ever wonder what animal Delta from Piggy is? Many players of the popular game have debated this question, with some suggesting that Delta is a dog, while others argue that it is a fox or even a weasel. Today, we will explore the evidence and provide a definitive answer to this puzzling mystery.

Firstly, let's examine Delta's appearance. With its pointy ears and snout, it certainly resembles a canine, leading many players to assume that it is a dog. However, upon closer inspection, we can see that Delta's tail is much longer than a typical dog's. In fact, its elongated tail is more similar to that of a fox or a weasel.

But appearances can be deceiving. After all, it's not uncommon for animals to have features that are similar to those of other species. Therefore, we need to dig deeper and look at Delta's behavior and mannerisms to gain more insight into its identity.

One clue we can pick up on is Delta's agility and speed. The character is known for being able to jump high and run fast, which are qualities that are characteristic of foxes. In fact, foxes are known for their exceptional jumping abilities, as well as their speed and agility when running.

Another interesting observation is Delta's affinity for hunting and tracking. While this is a common trait among canines and felines, it is also a defining trait of wild mustelids such as weasels and ferrets.

So, what animal is Delta from Piggy? The answer is...a fox! Although there are some similarities to dogs and weasels, the overall traits and behaviors displayed by Delta most closely match those of a fox.

But why does it matter what animal Delta is? Well, for one, it adds to the authenticity and depth of the Piggy universe. By ensuring that each character is represented accurately according to its species, it reinforces the immersive experience for players and further engages them in the game.

Additionally, knowing the identity of Delta could help players better understand the character's strengths and weaknesses. For instance, understanding that Delta is a fox could inform players of its natural tendencies, such as its hunting and tracking abilities, which could be useful information in gameplay.

In conclusion, while many players have been speculating about what animal Delta from Piggy is, the evidence shows that it is indeed a fox. Its physical characteristics, behaviors, and mannerisms all point to this conclusion. Hopefully, this article has helped settle this long-standing debate once and for all!

What Animal Is Delta From Piggy
"What Animal Is Delta From Piggy" ~ bbaz

The Mysterious Identity of Delta in Piggy

Piggy is a popular survival horror game that has taken the online gaming world by storm. The game's story revolves around a group of survivors who are stranded on an island infested with monsters. Each character has unique abilities and attributes that make them vital to the group's survival. Among these characters is Delta, a fan favorite due to its adorable appearance and helpful nature. However, many players have been wondering what kind of animal Delta actually is.

Delta's Appearance

Delta is a small, pink creature that resembles a piglet or a bunny. It has floppy ears, a snout, and a chubby body. Its eyes are big and round, adding to its cute factor. Delta wears a green shirt with brown pants and belt, along with brown boots. It also carries a wrench, which it can use to repair traps and barricades.

Delta has become one of the most popular characters in Piggy due to its endearing design and usefulness in gameplay. Many players have even started using it as their avatar or mascot. However, the question of whether Delta is a piglet or a bunny has remained a mystery.

Theories About Delta's Identity

Several theories have surfaced online about what kind of animal Delta could be. Some players believe that it is a piglet, given its pink color and snout. Others argue that it resembles a bunny, with its floppy ears and chubby body. However, there is no clear answer from the game developers or official sources.

Some players have even come up with their own interpretations of Delta's identity. For instance, some think that it is a hybrid of a piglet and a bunny, which would explain its unique appearance. Others speculate that it could be an entirely new species that has not been seen before. Regardless of the theories, Delta remains a beloved character among Piggy players.

The Importance of Delta in Piggy

Despite the mystery surrounding its identity, Delta plays a critical role in the game. It is one of the few characters that can repair broken traps and fences, which are essential for keeping the monsters at bay. Delta's wrench also makes it a valuable ally in combat, as it can stun monsters or knock them over.

Furthermore, Delta can access areas that other characters cannot, thanks to its small size. This makes it useful for scouting or retrieving items from tight spaces. Delta can also fit into certain hiding spots, which can be a lifesaver in dire situations.

In Conclusion

While the identity of Delta in Piggy remains a mystery, it is clear that the character has won the hearts of many players. Its adorable design and helpful abilities make it a favorite among fans of the game. Whether Delta is a piglet, a bunny, or something else entirely, it will continue to be an essential part of any survival strategy in Piggy.

Comparing Delta From Piggy to Different Animals

Different Animals You Can Compare Delta To

Delta is a fan-favorite character in the famous role-playing game, Piggy. But have you ever wondered what animal Delta is based on? Piggy features different characters that are modeled after various animals. Some characters are easy to recognize, while others are quite confusing. In this article, we will compare Delta to different animals based on their characteristics.


Delta's round head, beak, and wide-girth might make you think of a penguin. Penguins are known for being chubby, and they also have a unique waddle while walking. Delta's appearance somewhat resembles a penguin's. However, unlike penguins, Delta doesn't wear a tuxedo nor does he have wings. But, like most penguins, Delta seems calm and friendly most of the time.


The hamster is another animal that Delta might be based on. Hamsters are small, cute, and cuddly creatures that love to run in their wheels. Delta, with his round face and chubby cheeks, looks just like a hamster. Also, he has a very calm demeanor and likes to potter around, which is similar to hamsters who spend their lives running in their small cages without causing any trouble.

Gnome or Goblin

Delta could also have been inspired by gnomes or goblins. Gnomes and goblins are mythical creatures often depicted as short, somewhat husky creatures. Delta's short and round appearance very much matches that of a gnome or goblin. Although Delta may appear somewhat short and chubby, he is full of energy when it comes to moving around the map, similar to gnomes or goblins. Yet, Delta does not have the dishonest and evil nature of gnomes or goblins.

Physical Characteristics Comparisons

Delta VS Penguin

While Delta's round head and beak resemble a penguin's, his overall appearance is pretty different. Delta's head and body are rounder, and he lacks the wings and webbed feet that are characteristic of penguins. Delta is also taller and more upright than a penguin and has a completely unique character design.

Delta VS Hamster

The comparison between Delta and a hamster is more accurate as they share many similarities, such as their chubby cheeks and round faces. The biggest difference would be that Delta is much larger in size compared to hamsters. Also, hamsters have fur, whereas Delta's fur or feathers are not obvious.

Delta VS Gnome or Goblin

While Delta may resemble a gnome or goblin, they are vastly different from each other. Unlike gnomes and goblins, Delta is a friendly character with a peaceful personality, and he does not have any evil intentions. In contrast, gnomes and goblins are mythical creatures who cause mischief and possess an unsavory nature.

Moral Comparisons

Delta VS Penguin

Delta's moral bearing is quite different from a penguin's. Penguins, known for their loyalty in searching for their soulmate, are great family animals that love to spend time together. Delta, on the other hand, works well cooperatively with other characters no matter what their ranking in the game is.

Delta VS Hamster

The moral comparison between Delta and a hamster might seem laughable, but there are some similarities. Hamsters are known for being docile, tidy, and cooperative amongst themselves. Delta has all these qualities, but unlike hamsters, he is more social amongst different characters within Piggy.

Delta VS Gnome or Goblin

The comparison between Delta and gnomes or goblins is quite a stark one, especially in terms of their moral character. Delta exhibits a peaceful and docile nature, and does not infringe on other characters in the game. Conversely, gnomes and goblins are known for causing mischief and being cunning.

Conclusion and Verdict

After comparing Delta with penguins, hamsters, and gnomes or goblins, we can conclude that Delta may have been inspired by any of these animals. But when compared to their physical characteristics and moral personalities, we can say that Delta resembles a hamster more than any other animal. There's no doubt that Delta possesses a unique design and character, making him one of the most loved characters in Piggy.

What Animal Is Delta From Piggy?


Piggy is a game that has taken the world by storm. It's a survival game where players must escape from a dangerous place before being caught by the evil Piggies. One popular character in the game is Delta, but many players are unsure of what animal he represents. In this article, we'll explain what animal is Delta from Piggy.

Who Is Delta?

Delta is a character that was added to the Piggy game in Chapter 9. Delta is one of the playable characters that players can choose from and use to escape from the Piggies. Delta wears a white suit and black pants, with a cyan-colored tie around his neck. He also wears a pair of gloves and a helmet that partially covers his face.

The Delta Character Design

Many players have wondered what animal Delta represents because the design is quite unique compared to other characters in the game. The Delta character's suit and helmet make it challenging to determine which animal the character is supposed to represent. However, there are several theories among players as to what animal inspired the Delta character design.

The Delta Model

Some players speculate that Delta represents a futuristic astronaut because of the helmet and suit he wears. However, there are several other possible animals that could have influenced the Delta character's design.

The Bird Theory

Another leading theory is that Delta represents a bird. This theory is supported by the fact that Delta's helmet has a beak-like shape, which resembles a bird's beak. In addition, the cyan-colored tie that Delta wears could be interpreted as a nod to a bluebird.

The Dinosaur Theory

Another theory suggests that Delta is inspired by a dinosaur. This theory is supported by the helmet, which resembles a dinosaur's head. The white suit could be seen as representing a prehistoric reptile's scaly skin, while the gloves might represent its claws.


In conclusion, it's still unclear what animal inspired the Delta character in Piggy. However, theories among players suggest that Delta may represent an astronaut, a bird, or a dinosaur. Regardless of the inspiration, Delta remains an important and popular character in the Piggy game, and players are excited to continue playing and trying to escape with him.

Whether you believe Delta represents a bird, a dinosaur, or something entirely different, it’s clear that the character has captured players’ imaginations and become a beloved addition to the Piggy universe. With the continued popularity of Piggy, it’s likely that we’ll see additional characters added in the future. Who knows – maybe we’ll finally get an answer about what animal Delta is based on.

What Animal Is Delta From Piggy?

Welcome, fellow gamers and Piggy enthusiasts! In this article, we will delve into the topic of Delta's animal identity in the popular Roblox game, Piggy. You may have encountered Delta countless times during your gameplay, but have you ever wondered what kind of animal he really is?

Before we proceed, let us have a brief overview of Piggy. It is a survival horror game that was created by MiniToon and IK3As. It is set in a dystopian world where an infection has turned people into vicious monsters. Players must work together to solve puzzles, find keys, and escape from the clutches of the infected.

In Piggy, the players can choose to play as one of the many characters available. Each character has a unique appearance and backstory, making them distinct from each other. One of these characters is Delta, an enigmatic member of the Piggy gang.

Delta's appearance is quite intriguing. He wears a black cloak with red outlines, a black top hat, and a golden mask with holes for his eyes. His outfit seems to evoke a sense of mystery and power, which adds to the thrill of encountering him during the game.

Now, onto the question that brought us all here. What kind of animal is Delta?

The answer is not entirely clear, as the creators of Piggy haven't explicitly stated it. However, some theories and speculations have been circulating among fans of the game. One of these theories is that Delta is a wolf.

The wolf theory is mainly based on Delta's mask, which features a snout-like shape and pointed ears. Wolves are known for their sharp senses and hunting capabilities, which could explain why Delta is a skillful killer in the game.

Another theory suggests that Delta could be a fox. Foxes are known for their cunning and stealth, which could explain Delta's silent movements during gameplay. Additionally, Delta's top hat and cloak could be a nod to the folklore of the Reynard fox, a notorious trickster in European literature.

On the other hand, some Piggy fans speculate that Delta might be a hybrid of different animals. This theory is supported by his overall appearance, which seems to combine elements of several animals. The mask could resemble a wolf, while the cloak and top hat could suggest a rabbit or hare.

In conclusion, the animal identity of Delta from Piggy remains a mystery. While some theories suggest he could be a wolf or a fox, others speculate that he might be a hybrid of multiple animals. Regardless of his true animal form, one thing is undeniable: Delta is a formidable opponent in Piggy, and encountering him during gameplay adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge.

That wraps up our discussion about Delta's animal identity in Piggy. We hope you found this article informative and enjoyable. Happy gaming!

What Animal Is Delta From Piggy?

Who is Delta?

Delta is a character from the popular game called Piggy. Piggy is a horror game developed by MiniToon, IK3As, and Optikk.

What animal does Delta represent?

Delta is an orange crocodile wearing black goggles. Therefore, one can infer that Delta represents a crocodile.

What are the powers of Delta in Piggy?

Delta is not a playable character in Piggy, but it serves as a helper for players in some chapters. Delta helps the players by removing obstacles and opening doors in the game. It also wears goggles that enable it to see things that the other characters cannot.

Is Delta a good or bad character in Piggy?

Delta is neither good nor bad since it is a non-playable character in Piggy. It merely helps the players throughout the game.

Can you unlock Delta in Piggy?

No, Delta is not a playable character that you can unlock in Piggy. It only serves as a helper for selected chapters.

What is the role of Delta in Piggy?

As mentioned earlier, Delta's role in Piggy is to assist the players in completing selected chapters of the game by opening doors and removing obstacles. It is essential because it enables the players to access areas that they cannot reach by themselves