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Discover the Heartwarming World of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc.

Discover the Heartwarming World of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc.

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc: A Haven for Animals in Need

Have you ever wondered where farm animals go after their use in the meat and dairy industry? Who takes care of them and gives them a second chance at life? Look no further than Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Established in 2000, Happy Trails is a sanctuary located in Ravenna, Ohio, that rescues and rehabilitates farm animals that have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. With over 120 acres of land, they provide a peaceful environment for these animals to live out the rest of their lives.

But how did this sanctuary come about? It all started with a pig named Harley. Found on the side of the road, he was taken in by founders Annette and Jeff Fisher. After seeing the horrors of factory farming, they wanted to give other animals like Harley a permanent home.

Since then, Happy Trails has rescued over 500 animals, including cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep, goats, horses, and more. Each animal has its own unique story, but all have one thing in common: they were given a second chance thanks to Happy Trails.

The sanctuary not only provides a safe haven for animals but also educates the public about the realities of industrialized animal agriculture. Visitors can take guided tours and learn about the lives of the animals before and after coming to Happy Trails.

One of the standout residents at Happy Trails is a cow named Lady Bug. She was rescued from a slaughterhouse and came to the sanctuary malnourished and scared. Now, she roams the fields and acts as a surrogate mother to new calves that come to the sanctuary.

Another famous resident is a turkey named Rubin. He is blind in one eye but greets visitors with a friendly gobble and enjoys taking dust baths in the sun.

But Happy Trails isn't just a place for animals to live out their days; it's also a place where people can volunteer and make a difference. From cleaning barns to helping with events, there's always a need for volunteers at the sanctuary.

Happy Trails also hosts events throughout the year, including a vegan Thanksgiving dinner and a summer flea market. These events not only raise funds for the sanctuary but also bring people together to support animal rights.

If you're looking for a way to support animal welfare and make a difference in the lives of animals, consider donating to Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary. Your donation will go directly towards the care and feeding of its residents.

Whether you're a seasoned animal activist or simply someone looking for a fulfilling way to give back, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary offers a unique opportunity to do just that. So why not pay them a visit and see for yourself the amazing work they do?

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc
"Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc" ~ bbaz

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to rescue and provide rehabilitation to abused, neglected and abandoned farm animals. The sanctuary is located in Ravenna, Ohio, and occupies over 50 acres of land where more than 400 animals reside.

Their Mission

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary's mission is to rescue farmed animals, educate the public on animal welfare and promote veganism as a way of life, and advocate for animal rights and protection under the law. The organization believes all animals are entitled to live their lives free from fear and harm.

Their Work

The sanctuary operates daily to continue its work saving and caring for farmed animals. Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary provides permanent refuge to these animals, giving them safe havens where they can thrive. The sanctuary ensures that all animals receive proper medical care, nutrition, exercise, and companion care from their dedicated staff and volunteers.

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary aims also to enlighten the public by offering educational tours and community events. Visitors can see and interact with the animals, hear their stories and learn more about the issues that cause farmed animals to require rescue.

Advocacy and Education

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary advocates for animal rights within our society and educates individuals and groups about the importance of animal welfare and the cons of animal cruelty. They work to end animal cruelty in Ohio through legislative advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and litigation when necessary. They encourage citizens to adopt animal-friendly lifestyles and participate in animal-related outreach and advocacy efforts. Collaborating with lawmakers and various animal rights organizations to create and implement animal-friendly policies and laws across Ohio.

Adoption Program

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary offers an adoption program to animals who have received medical clearance to live in permanent homes. The adoption process involves thorough screening processes to guarantee that adopted animals will receive the required care from their adoptive families.

Volunteering and Donating

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary relies on the support of volunteers and generous donors to continue their critical mission. Volunteers can work as animal caretakers, tour guides, event coordinators, and more. There are various opportunities to make a significant difference in improving the lives of these wonderful animals.

The sanctuary needs funds to run its day-to-day operations, provide medical care for animals, and maintain the sanctuary. You can support their work by making donations, sponsoring an animal's life or donating necessary equipment like farm tools, feed, and other supplies.


Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary has become a haven for farmed animals in Ohio. The farm animals residing in the sanctuary have been victims of cruelty and neglect but now receive daily care, attention and companionship. The organization plays an essential role in educating the public about cruelty-free ways of living and aims to advocate for policies that protect farm animals' lives in Ohio. Volunteering and donating to the sanctuary enables it to continue rescuing and caring for thousands of farm animals.

A Comparison of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc.


Animal sanctuaries have become a popular way for people to help preserve and protect animals that have been abused or neglected. The Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is one such organization that is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and providing a safe haven for farm animals. In this comparison article, we will examine several aspects of Happy Trails and see how it measures up against other similar organizations.


The mission of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is to rescue and provide a forever home to animals that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. They strive to educate the public about the cruelty and inhumanity of factory farming and encourage people to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Their ultimate goal is to create a world where all animals are respected, valued, and cared for.

Comparison with Catskill Animal Sanctuary

Catskill Animal Sanctuary is another animal rescue organization that is similar to Happy Trails. Both organizations share similar goals and visions, but they differ in their approach. While Happy Trails focuses mainly on farm animals, Catskill also rescues and cares for companion animals such as dogs and cats. Additionally, Catskill puts a strong emphasis on educating people about animal rights and promoting the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.


Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is located in Ravenna, Ohio, which is about 30 miles outside of Cleveland. The sanctuary sits on 99 acres of land and provides a safe and natural environment for the animals.

Comparison with Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary is another animal sanctuary that is similar to Happy Trails. However, unlike Happy Trails which is located in Ohio, Farm Sanctuary has three locations in California and New York. Both organizations share a similar goal of rescuing and providing for farm animals, but Farm Sanctuary is also heavily involved in legislative advocacy efforts to improve the lives of farm animals.


The animals at Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary are provided with spacious and comfortable living quarters. Each animal receives individualized attention and care based on their unique needs. The sanctuary also has several outdoor paddocks, pastures, and a pond that the animals can enjoy.

Comparison with The Gentle Barn

The Gentle Barn is another animal rescue organization that provides a safe haven for farm animals. However, unlike Happy Trails which is located in a rural area, The Gentle Barn is located in Santa Clarita, California, and is easily accessible from Los Angeles. The Gentle Barn also offers unique programs such as Healing with Horses and Animal-Assisted Therapy for people of all ages.

Volunteer Opportunities

Happy Trails offers several volunteer opportunities for people who want to get involved in their mission. Volunteers can help with daily tasks such as feeding and caring for animals, cleaning, and maintenance. They can also help with special events and fundraising activities.

Comparison with Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary is another organization that offers volunteer opportunities for people who want to help farm animals. However, unlike Happy Trails which is located in Ohio, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary is located in New York. Additionally, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary offers unique volunteer programs such as Animal Caregiver Workshops and Vegan Cooking Workshops for those interested in learning more about animal care and veganism.


Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary relies entirely on donations and grants to fund its operations. They receive no government funding and rely on the generosity of supporters to keep their doors open.

Comparison with The Animal Place

The Animal Place is another nonprofit animal rescue organization that relies on donations to fund its programs. However, unlike Happy Trails which is located in Ohio, The Animal Place is located in California. The Animal Place also fundraise through a program called Grateful Grazing where people can sponsor the feeding and care of specific animals at the sanctuary.


In conclusion, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is an incredible organization that serves as a vital resource for farm animals in need. It provides a safe haven for animals that have been abused or neglected and works to educate the public about the cruelty of factory farming. While there are other comparable organizations out there, Happy Trails has a unique and distinct approach to animal rescue that sets it apart from the rest.

CategoryHappy TrailsCatskill Animal SanctuaryFarm SanctuaryThe Gentle BarnWoodstock Farm SanctuaryThe Animal Place
MissionRescue and provide forever home to abused and neglected farm animals.Rescue and care for farm animals, as well as dogs and cats. Promote vegan lifestyle.Rescue and provide for farm animals. Advocate for legislative change.Provide safe haven for farm animals. Offer unique programs such as Animal-Assisted Therapy.Rescue and care for farm animals. Offer educational workshops on animal care and veganism.Rescue and provide for farm animals. Fundraise through program called Grateful Grazing.
LocationOhioNew YorkCalifornia and New YorkCaliforniaNew YorkCalifornia
AccommodationsSpacious living quarters, outdoor paddocks, and pastures.Spacious living quarters, outdoor paddocks.Spacious living quarters, outdoor paddocks.Spacious living quarters, open pastures and stables, healing garden.Spacious living quarters, outdoor paddocks and pastures.Spacious living quarters, outdoor pastures and corrals.
Volunteer OpportunitiesCleaning, maintenance, animal care, special event help.Animal care and help with special events.Animal care, advocacy, legislative work.Animal care, gardening, animal-assisted therapy.Animal care, gardening, education, vegan cooking workshops.Animal care, ranch maintenance, gardening, outreach.
FundingDonations and grants.Donations and grants.Donations and grants.Donations and grants, programs, sponsorships.Donations and grants.Donations and grants, program sponsorships.

As the table shows, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is unique in its focus on farm animals and commitment to educating the public about animal rights. While all of these organizations share similar goals, Happy Trails sets itself apart through its unwavering dedication to the cause of animal rescue.

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc: A Guide to Volunteering and Supporting

The plight of farm animals is often overlooked, but Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is seeking to change that. Located in Ravenna, Ohio, this non-profit organization provides a safe haven for animals that have been rescued from inhumane conditions. As a volunteer or supporter of the sanctuary, you can make a difference in the lives of these animals. Here's how:

Learn About the Sanctuary

Before getting involved, it's important to learn about the sanctuary and its mission. Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc was founded in 1999 by Annette Fisher and Jeffery Rettig. Since then, the sanctuary has rescued over 3,500 animals and provided them with lifelong care. The sanctuary offers tours, internships, and events throughout the year to educate the public about the importance of animal welfare.

Volunteer at the Sanctuary

Volunteers are the backbone of the sanctuary. As a volunteer, you can help feed and care for the animals, clean their living spaces, and assist with other tasks. The sanctuary welcomes volunteers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you have experience with farm animals or not, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

To volunteer at the sanctuary, fill out an application on their website and attend a volunteer orientation. The sanctuary also offers volunteer work days where groups or organizations can come together to complete specific projects on the farm.

Donate to the Sanctuary

As a non-profit organization, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc relies on donations from supporters to continue their lifesaving work. You can make a donation on their website or sponsor an animal. By sponsoring an animal, you're providing funds for their care and can visit them at the sanctuary.

Attend an Event

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc hosts events throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for their cause. These events include a spring fundraiser, vegan cooking classes, and tours of the sanctuary. Attending these events is a great way to support the sanctuary and meet other like-minded individuals.

Spread the Word

One of the simplest ways to support Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is by spreading the word. Share information about the sanctuary on your social media accounts, wear their merchandise, and tell your friends and family about their mission. Encouraging others to get involved is a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of animals.

Educate Yourself

Learning about animal welfare and factory farming is an important step in supporting Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc. The sanctuary offers resources and information on these topics through their website and events. Educating yourself can also help you make more informed decisions about the food you eat and the products you purchase.

Adopt an Animal

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc offers adoption for select animals that are deemed fit for adoption. By adopting an animal, you're providing them with a forever home and continuing to support the sanctuary's lifesaving mission. Adoption fees go directly towards funding the care of all the animals at the sanctuary.

Join the Newsletter

The sanctuary's newsletter is a great way to stay up-to-date on events, news, and information about their mission. Signing up for the newsletter can help you stay connected with the sanctuary and support their work in the long term.

Buy Merchandise

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc offers merchandise such as t-shirts, bags, and hats on their website. Purchasing these items not only supports the sanctuary financially but also spreads awareness about their mission as you wear or use the merchandise.

Support Other Animal Sanctuaries

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is just one of many animal sanctuaries that are doing lifesaving work for farm animals. Supporting other sanctuaries through donations or volunteer work can have a broader impact on animal welfare.

In conclusion, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc offers a range of ways to get involved and support their mission. Whether you're looking to volunteer, donate, or educate yourself, your support can make a difference in the lives of rescued farm animals.

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc: A Safe Haven for Abused Animals

A Happy trail means a safe journey, and that's what the Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary aims to provide to abused animals. This non-profit organization is dedicated to rescuing farm animals from abuse and providing them with a safe haven where they can live their lives free from cruelty and neglect. Established in 1999 by Annette Fisher and Jeff Robbins, the sanctuary has grown and developed into one of the most successful animal rescues in America.

The sanctuary provides care for various farm animals such as cows, horses, donkeys, pigs, goats, and chickens. Every animal rescued by the sanctuary gets the love and care it deserves. The happy trails farm also serves as an education center of learning for its visitors on how to care for these farm animals with respect, love, and dignity.

At Happy Trails, visitors get to learn about different farm animals' behaviors, their diet, social interactions, and how they have unique personalities. This enables visitors to go home with knowledge on how best to care for their farm animals and treat them with the respect that they deserve. The Farm also offers volunteer opportunities to visitors who wish to give back to the community by helping care for these animals or donate to support the cause.

The farm's staff is passionate about animal care and conservation efforts and ensures that all their animals receive the necessary medical care, nutritious meals, and freedom to express their natural behaviors. All the farm animals at the sanctuary are individually named, and each has a unique story of how they came to the sanctuary.

The Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is available for group bookings such as school trips, family days out, and corporate team building events. It's a perfect place to visit and experience the beauty of mother nature while learning about the importance of conserving farm animals. Visitors can learn about the benefits of animal agriculture, and how to consume humanely-raised organic animal products without harm to the environment.

One of Happy Trails Farm's most notable accomplishments is the rescue of 161 horses that were being bred for human consumption. These horses were found in terrible conditions, malnourished, and exposed to harsh elements. Thanks to the efforts of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary personnel, they were rescued, provided with medical care, and were given a new life.

Another heart-warming story of the farm's rescue efforts is the story of Tito, the pig. Tito was found abandoned in a park, malnourished and struggling to survive. With the help of the rescue team, he went from being on the brink of death to being a happy, healthy pig, living his life free from fear and abuse.

There is an African proverb that says, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. At the Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary, this proverb is evident. The sanctuary has collaborated with several organizations to ensure that farm animals receive the best care and a second chance at life. Happy Trails encourages teamwork and collaborations, which have led to the sanctuary's success over the years.

The Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary's vision is a world where every animal no matter their species, gets the respect and humane treatment that they deserve. The sanctuary has provided accommodation to hundreds of animals over the years who are living out their days surrounded by love and care, thanks to the sanctuary's efforts and the support of individuals and organizations.

In conclusion, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is a remarkable organization with an exceptional track record of rescuing animals from abuse and providing a safe haven. It's an organization that deserves our support, donations, and recognition. Whether you are a firm animal lover, educator, or simply in search of a serene environment to enjoy nature's beauty, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary is the place to be. We hope you visit and learn from the efforts of the sanctuary. Happy trails!

People Also Ask About Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc

What is Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc?

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is a non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and provides lifelong care to animals who have been rescued from neglect, abuse, or abandonment. The sanctuary operates on a 49-acre farm in Ohio and provides a safe and nurturing environment for rescued farm animals.

What kind of animals does Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc rescue?

Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc is dedicated to rescuing a wide variety of animals in need, including cows, pigs, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and rabbits. They also take in other animals like dogs, cats, and birds when space allows.

How can I support Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc?

There are several ways to support Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc:

  1. Make a donation: Donations help cover the cost of food, medical care, and daily operations to care for the animals.
  2. Volunteer: Happy Trails relies on volunteers for everything from cleaning stalls to socializing with the animals.
  3. Adopt an animal: Many animals at the sanctuary are available for adoption to loving homes.
  4. Attend a fundraising event: Happy Trails hosts several events throughout the year to raise money and awareness for their cause.

Can I visit Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc?

Yes, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc welcomes visitors to the sanctuary. Visitors must schedule a guided tour in advance to ensure the safety of the animals and visitors. Group tours and educational programs are also available.