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Discover the Rare and Lucrative Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Discover the Rare and Lucrative Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has been entertaining players for months. With its relaxing gameplay and cute characters, it’s no wonder that players keep coming back for more. One of the recent additions to the game is the Rice Grasshopper, here's everything you need to know about this little critter!

First things first, what is a Rice Grasshopper? It’s a green grasshopper that can be found in the rice fields of Asia, and now, in the game. This small bug is not only fun to catch, but it also offers a good amount of Bells, which are the currency in Animal Crossing.

If you’re wondering when the best time to catch a Rice Grasshopper is, then make sure to play during the day. These bugs are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and rest at night. So, if you’re trying to catch one, make sure to head out during the daylight hours.

Now, let’s talk about where you can find these Rice Grasshoppers. They can be found in the grassy areas around your island, so keep your eyes peeled! However, they are more likely to spawn in areas where there are plenty of yellow flowers, such as the cosmos or marigolds, so be sure to plant some in your garden.

Once you’ve caught your Rice Grasshopper, you can either sell it for a decent amount of Bells or display it in your bug collection. It really depends on what you want to do with it. But, one thing is for sure, catching bugs in Animal Crossing is always fun!

If you’re wondering what the appearance rate of Rice Grasshoppers is, then the answer is quite high. According to data from players, they appear quite frequently on the island, which makes them an easy catch for new players who are just starting out with bug catching. So, if you’re in need of some quick Bells, then catching a few Rice Grasshoppers is definitely worth it.

But, as always, be careful not to scare them off! If you run too fast or make too much noise, they will fly away and disappear. This makes catching them a bit more challenging, but also more rewarding when you do manage to catch them!

All in all, the Rice Grasshopper is a great addition to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s a cute little bug that is easy to catch and offers a good amount of Bells. So, next time you’re playing the game, make sure to keep an eye out for these little critters!

In conclusion, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that continues to bring joy to its players, and the addition of the Rice Grasshopper only adds to that joy. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, catching bugs in Animal Crossing is always a fun experience. So, why not give it a try and see what you can catch?

Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper
"Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper" ~ bbaz


Animal Crossing New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of millions of players all over the world. With its adorable animal characters, relaxing gameplay, and endless customization options, it's no wonder why so many people have fallen in love with it. One of the many things that makes the game so special is the variety of insects and other creatures that you can discover and collect. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at one of these creatures - the Rice Grasshopper.

Appearance and Behavior

The Rice Grasshopper is a small, green insect that is known for its distinctive chirping sound. It can be found hopping around the grassy areas of your island, and can be caught with a net like most of the other bugs in the game. When approached, it will often leap away in an attempt to escape.

Catching Tips

If you're having trouble catching a Rice Grasshopper, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, try sneaking up on it slowly so that it doesn't have time to jump away. You can also try using a tool like the net from behind to catch it off guard. Finally, make sure to approach from the side rather than head-on, as this can cause it to panic and jump away.

Uses and Benefits

Once you've caught a Rice Grasshopper, you can either donate it to the museum or sell it for some quick Bells. While it may not be the most valuable or rare insect in the game, it's still worth catching if you're trying to complete your collection. Additionally, some players like to collect bugs like the Rice Grasshopper just for the fun of it, or to display them in their home or on their island.

DIY Recipes

Another potential benefit of collecting insects like the Rice Grasshopper is that they can be used to create DIY recipes. For example, if you combine a Rice Grasshopper with some other materials, you can make a Grasshopper Head model that you can display in your home. This can be a fun way to get creative and add some unique decorations to your island.


Overall, the Rice Grasshopper may not be the most exciting or valuable insect in Animal Crossing New Horizons, but it still has its uses and benefits. Whether you're trying to complete your collection, make some quick Bells, or just have fun exploring your island and catching bugs, the Rice Grasshopper is definitely worth checking out. So grab your net and head out into the grassy fields - you never know what kind of creatures you might discover!

Comparison of Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper


Animal Crossing New Horizons has been a hit among players across the globe. The game allows players to create their own island paradise and interact with different animals and critters. Among these critters is the Rice Grasshopper, found in the game during autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere. In this article, we will discuss the differences between the Rice Grasshopper in the game and its real-life counterpart.


The Rice Grasshopper is a small insect that has a vibrant green color and is about an inch long. In the game, it has a similar appearance, with a bright green body and large eyes. However, the game version seems to be slightly bigger than the real-life one, measuring about two inches long.


Rice Grasshoppers are widely found in Japan, where farmers consider them as pests due to the damage they cause to rice crops. They prefer to inhabit flooded rice fields, where they feed on the leaves and stalks of rice plants. In the game, the Rice Grasshopper can be found hopping around on the player's island, usually near tall grass or flowers.


In the game, the Rice Grasshopper is docile and will not harm the player. Players can catch them easily using a net and can either donate them to the museum or sell them for bells. However, in real life, these insects are known to be aggressive towards humans and have been reported to bite when provoked.


One interesting aspect of the Rice Grasshopper is its distinct chirping sound. In real life, males use their wings to produce this sound as a way to attract mates. In the game, the sound of the Rice Grasshopper can be heard when the player is close to it, adding a realistic touch to the game's audio.

Comparison Table

Aspect Real-life Rice Grasshopper Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper
Appearance Vibrant green, about an inch long Bright green, about two inches long
Habitat Flooded rice fields in Japan Tall grass and flowers on the player's island
Behavior Aggressive towards humans Docile towards players
Sound Produces chirping sound using wings Chirping sound added to game's audio


Overall, the Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper is a great addition to the game's collection of critters. The game has done a good job in accurately depicting the insect's appearance and sound. It also provides an interesting contrast to the real-life Rice Grasshopper, as it is docile in the game compared to its aggressive behavior in reality. Catching these insects in the game is also a fun activity for players, and they serve a purpose in donating to the museum or earning bells.

An In-Depth Guide to Catching Rice Grasshoppers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

What are Rice Grasshoppers?

Rice Grasshoppers are insects that can be found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons during the months of August and September (Northern Hemisphere) or February and March (Southern Hemisphere). They can be caught using a net, and they sell for a modest 160 Bells.

Where to Find Rice Grasshoppers?

Rice Grasshoppers can be found on the ground in your town. They like to hang out near water sources, so look for them around the edges of your rivers and ponds. You can also find them in areas where there is tall grass.


If you can't seem to find any Rice Grasshoppers, try altering your time and date settings. Setting the time to early morning or late evening might increase your chances of finding them.

How to Catch Rice Grasshoppers?

When you spot a Rice Grasshopper, slowly approach it with your net raised. Try to get as close as possible before swinging the net to catch it. If you miss, the Rice Grasshopper will fly away and you'll have to start over.


Try to position yourself between the Rice Grasshopper and the water's edge to make it easier to catch. This way, if you miss, the Rice Grasshopper is less likely to fly away too far.

When to Catch Rice Grasshoppers?

Rice Grasshoppers are active during the day, but you're more likely to find them early in the morning or late in the evening. Try to catch them when the sun is just rising or setting to increase your chances.

How to Display Rice Grasshoppers?

Once you've caught a few Rice Grasshoppers, why not display them in your town? You can place them on stands or tables around your home, or even donate them to the museum for everyone to enjoy.


If you're going for a themed area in your town, try placing your Rice Grasshoppers among some flowers to create a peaceful and natural-looking display.

What Else Can You Do with Rice Grasshoppers?

Aside from displaying them, you can also use Rice Grasshoppers as part of crafting recipes. They can be turned into various items such as the Grasshopper Head model, Grasshopper Cage, and the Grasshopper Mound DIY.


Don't forget to check your DIY recipe catalog to make sure you're not missing out on any cool Rice Grasshopper-related items!


Catching Rice Grasshoppers may seem like a mundane task at first, but they can add a lot of variety and value to your Animal Crossing: New Horizons experience. These tips will help you catch more of them and find creative ways to display them in your town. Happy hunting!

Discover the Beauty of the Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons is one of the most popular video games released in recent times. It captures the hearts of players with its vibrant graphics, immersive gameplay, and an array of lovable and unique creatures. One of the most fascinating creatures is the Rice Grasshopper, and we’re here to introduce you to it.

The Rice Grasshopper is a small insect that is found hopping around the rice paddies of Asia. In Animal Crossing New Horizons, it makes an appearance during the warm months of August and September. The Rice Grasshopper is an elegant looking creature that is characterized by its elongated body and long slender legs.

These insects are herbivores, feeding on grasses, leaves, and seeds. They play a vital role in the ecosystem as they are an essential food source for many predators, including birds and reptiles.

In Animal Crossing New Horizons, the Rice Grasshopper is an active and spirited critter that you can catch when it appears on your island. It hops quickly around the island, making it somewhat challenging to capture. You'll need quick reflexes and a bit of patience to catch this rambunctious insect.

Catching the Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons is a fun activity to engage in as it helps you complete your Critterpedia collection. Alongside this, catching the Rice Grasshopper is also profitable. You can sell it at Nook’s Cranny for bells, which can help you buy other items in the game or upgrade your home.

The Rice Grasshopper is an easy-going creature that blends perfectly well with the charming aesthetics of Animal Crossing New Horizons. Its presence adds to the sense of realism within the game, giving a feeling of being immersed in a living world. Watching these cute insects hop around your island can be a soothing and therapeutic experience.

Additionally, the arrival of Rice Grasshoppers in Animal Crossing New Horizons signifies the changing of seasons. Catching the Rice Grasshopper in August and September can be a gentle reminder that summer is coming to an end, and fall is just around the corner.

In conclusion, Animal Crossing New Horizons offers a unique gaming experience that immerses you in a lively and delightful world. The inclusion of creatures like the Rice Grasshopper makes the game even more enjoyable for players of all ages. So, when it comes to catching this little critter, take your time, have fun, and enjoy everything that the game has to offer.

Thank you for reading this blog on the Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons. We hope you found it insightful and informative. Have you caught a Rice Grasshopper yet? Let us know in the comments below!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing New Horizons Rice Grasshopper

What Is a Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

The Rice Grasshopper is a seasonal bug that appears in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This insect can be found during the summer months of July and August in the Northern Hemisphere and January and February in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where Can I Find a Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Rice Grasshoppers can be found jumping around on the ground in the daytime. They can appear anywhere on your island, but it's best to search in grassy areas and near bodies of water. Using a net, players can catch these bugs quickly and easily, adding them to their collection.

Why Should I Catch a Rice Grasshopper in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

  • Catching a Rice Grasshopper will help complete the Critterpedia in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
  • Players can donate a Rice Grasshopper to the Museum to put on display for all visitors to see.
  • A Rice Grasshopper can also be sold to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny for a small profit.

How Much Is a Rice Grasshopper Worth in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

A Rice Grasshopper can be sold at Nook's Cranny for 160 Bells. While this may not be a significant amount, it's worth catching as much as you can during the short window when it's available.

Can I Buy or Sell Rice Grasshoppers to Other Players in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Yes, players can buy and sell Rice Grasshoppers to other players in Animal Crossing New Horizons. However, it's important to note that the trade must be done in real-time using the local or online multiplayer features of the game. There is no way to mail or transfer bugs between players.